Busting the Myths of EntreFEST 2017
Listen up as they bust some of the biggest myths about EntreFEST.[/cs_text][x_video_embed no_container=”false” type=”16:9″]
EntreFEST 2017: Busting the Myths from Iowa Startup Accelerator on Vimeo.
[/x_video_embed][cs_text]Myth #1: It’s all about food.Nope! Although there will be great food from a variety of local vendors at this festival/conference, the “Entre” in EntreFEST comes from “entrepreneur” not “entrée”.
Myth #2: It’s only for “entrepreneurs”.
No way! EntreFEST is full of artists, teachers, bankers, community champions, students, and professionals wanting to better themselves and meet new people. All are welcome!
Myth #3: It’s an 8-5 conference.
Nice try. You get conference content and activities during the day that roll all the way into an evening festival! We’ve curated a jam-packed, full two-day festival to keep you busy from morning to night.
Myth #4: It’s just for young’uns.
Not true! Attendees of all ages are welcomed to share their knowledge and ideas and collaborate across the generations.
Myth #5: It’s just for Iowa City and surrounding areas.
It’s the largest gathering of entrepreneurs in the Midwest, but creative and collaborative people from all corners are flying in to be here and be part of the exciting two-day festival![/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]